1: The creator of Dragon Ball Z, Akira Toriyama, based the character Goku off of the legendary Chinese folklore character Sun Wukong.
2: Dragon Ball Z was originally created as a sequel to the manga Dragon Ball, and the series has since become a global phenomenon.
3: Vegeta, one of the main characters in Dragon Ball Z, was inspired by the Vegeta, a location in Fiji where Toriyama went on vacation.
4: The Dragon Balls in the series were inspired by the Seven Balls in a traditional Chinese folklore, where they had the power to grant any wish.
5: The iconic scream Goku uses when he powers up is called the "Kamehameha scream" and is actually voiced by the series' creator, Akira Toriyama.
6: Dragon Ball Z has been adapted into multiple video games, movies, and even a live-action Hollywood film.
7: The name "Dragon Ball" comes from the seven mystical orbs that when gathered together, summon a wish-granting dragon, Shenron.
8: The character Piccolo is actually an alien from the planet Namek and eventually becomes one of Goku's closest allies.
9: Dragon Ball Z has had a massive impact on pop culture and has inspired countless anime and manga series around the world.